Tuesday, January 9, 2018

6 DepEd Terms Teachers Need To Know

DepEd Teacher
Teacher's Quest for Knowledge
If you are a newbie teacher that has been recently hired by the largest bureaucracy of the Philippine government, you might have met some terms that you are quite unfamiliar with. As a member of the nation's teaching force, you definitely need to know some of the DepEd must-know terms. Familiarize yourself with these six:

LRMDS. Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) comprises four integrated sub-systems designed to support increased distribution and access to learning, teaching and professional development resources at the Region, Division and School/Cluster levels of DepED, as defined the LRMDS portal.

In simple terms, LRMDS is an online resource where teachers can obtain learning and teaching resources. Teachers can also publish their own learning and teaching materials subject to guidelines set by the Quality Assurance Team. According to Mrs. Lalice Joy J. Arquntillo, a Filipino Head Teacher, "LRMDS is a big help for teachers in their daily lessons."

Learning Resource Portal
Image Source: https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/images/lr-banner.jpg

E-Class Record. The long days are over for teachers when it comes to the computation of grades. E-class records are templates created by DepEd to assist teachers in their quarterly obligations of submitting grades. 

Rosella Abling, an EsP teacher from Iloilo City, said "As a teacher who has to prepare grades for 8 sections, the E-class record serves as a time-saver. All I have to do is encode the scores and the E-class template automatically solves the grades."

This is further supported by Richel Uy, a Filipino Grade 8 teacher, "As a Filipino teacher, I do not need to create formulas for Excel. I can just input the scores into the three components of the E-class. I can even have more time for my kids because of this big help from DepEd."

E-Class Record
E-Class Record

DLL. Daily Lesson Log is a tool for logging daily lessons. A report  states that DLL is "an official record of activities, instruction and learning experiences written in a systematic way."

Sample DLL

IPCRF. Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form is a tool as to what teachers have done for the year. It measures the actual performance based on the target goals.


Basic Salary. Money does make the world go round. Teachers, even though they are in the service sector, need to live. Teachers are paid the basic salary (as of  January 9, 2018) of P20, 179.00. This is equivalent to Salary Grade 11.

DepEd Teacher I Salary

DTR. Daily Time Record is a Civil Service Commision Form 6 that is required for teachers. A teacher cannot be paid his or her salary if he does not have a duly signed DTR.
Image Source: http://www.bataan.gov.ph/iskolar/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DTR-MAY-JUNE-2017.jpg

There you go, Teacher. Hope these 6 DepEd terms have enlightened you as you start your journey with DepEd.

Please share this blog if you think this can help other teachers. Share your thought on the comments box below.

See you on the next blog!

 Lornajane Altura


Follow me on Twitter - Lornajane Altura
Follow me on Facebook - Inspiring Pinoy Teachers

Monday, January 1, 2018

5 Ways to Achieve Your Plans For 2018

Set goals for 2018
Bye 2017. Hello 2018. 2017 might have been a tough year for most of us. Or not. Whatever the case may be, it would be great to have a fruitful 2018, right?

So here are some steps on how to achieve plans for 2018.

Reflect on 2017. There is this popular adage that says, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." We might not be able to control the outcome of the events that occurred the past year, but we could try controlling the happenings of this year. If we evaluate our experiences and check what worked or did not work, then we can proceed to better planning for the present year.

In John Maxwell's book  The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential, he elaborates on how a person can grow based on his evaluation of his strengths and weaknesses.

Know your why.  It is true that commitment to your plan for 2018 is the main thing. However, it is better to pair this plan with your why. Determining your why will motivate you in keeping up despite the obstacles and challenges that you may encounter. Definitely, your why will be your guide in reaching for those goals.

List your goals. If you desire to achieve your plans for 2018, you must list down your goals. Writing your goals lifts the feeling of abstraction and it makes them real. You must have a goal using the SMART acronym --- S for Specific, M for Measurable, A for Attainable, R for Relevant. and T for Time-bounded.

Write action steps. You must break down your goals by creating action steps. It is similar to a simple step-by-step procedure for achieving your goal. You can have a daily to-do-list, weekly plans, and monthly plans to support your general goal.

Set up a tracking system to check your implementation. In determining whether you have done the steps in your specific goals, you have to monitor these things. You can use Google Spreadsheets to track your success. It is possible that you still like everything in paper. You can definitely use a planner for 2018.


I definitely recommend reading at least one book a month for your personal growth and development.
Here are books to read that are great.

1. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell
2. Born to Win: Find Your Success by Zig Ziglar
3. No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

Hope you learn from this blog on how to achieve your plans for 2018.

See you on the next blog :)

 Lornajane Altura


Follow me on Twitter - Lornajane Altura
Follow me on Facebook - Inspiring Pinoy Teachers

6 DepEd Terms Teachers Need To Know

Teacher's Quest for Knowledge If you are a newbie teacher that has been recently hired by the largest bureaucracy of the Philippine ...